Color AnimateINIT by Anthony Saxton ( Version of Wednesday, December 30, 1992 2:33:24 PM (1.1) - requires CShowInit in 'proc' resource ID 128. - requires 'Anim' resource ID 128 as follows: int BaseIcon - First Icon ID of sequence. char NumIcons - Number of Icons in sequence. char RepeatCount - Count to repeat sequence. long IconDelay - Delay in 60ths of sec's between each Icon. int EndIcon - Last Icon to end Animation. - will operate with up to 255 'cicn' and/or 'ICN#' resources. - NOTE: Masks for ALL icons should be identical! This Routine is FreeWare, and may be used in any Extensions or Control Panel Devices as long as credit is given within the program. Anthony Saxton retains all Copyrights to the Animate_INIT routine.